원스톱 CNC 카바이드 인서트 제조업체


CNMG vs WNMG 삽입 : 비교

CNMG VS WNMG are two common types of inserts used in turning operations. While they share similarities, they also have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different applications.

CNMG Inserts

  • 모양: CNMG inserts have a diamond shape with a 80° cutting angle.
  • Versatility: They are versatile and can be used for both turning and facing operations.
  • Strength: CNMG inserts are known for their edge strength, making them suitable for heavy cuts and roughing applications.
  • 응용: Ideal for job-shop work or rough turning and facing in the same tool.

WNMG Inserts

  • 모양: WNMG inserts have a triangular shape with a 80° cutting angle, but they offer six cutting edges.
  • Economy: They provide two extra corners compared to CNMG inserts, which can be more economical.
  • Strength: WNMG inserts are generally less strong for roughing applications compared to CNMG inserts.
  • 응용: Suitable for general turning and facing work, especially when heavy cuts are not required.

Key Differences

  • Edge Strength: CNMG inserts have better edge strength, making them more suitable for roughing.
  • Cutting Edges: WNMG inserts offer more cutting edges, which can be more economical but may lack the strength for heavy cuts.
  • Tool Holder Wear: WNMG tool holders have less bearing surface against the insert, making them more susceptible to wear over time.
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