원스톱 CNC 카바이드 인서트 제조업체

DCMT 인서트
dcmt insert

DCMT 인서트

DCMT insert angle: 7° Positive rake insert with a single-sided Chipbreaker;

55° rhombic turning insert;

Recommended for steel, stainless steel, and cast iron;

Breaker Application: Semi-finishing machining;

Matching DCMT insert holder: SDQCR/L, SDUCR/L;

Material : Tungsten carbide;

Grade: Both PVD and CVD;

Application industry: Die & mould, medical devices, manufacturing, and others;

DCMT insert specification

DCMT insert meaning a diamond-shaped (55 degrees), indexable cutting insert with a 7-degree clearance angle, moderate tolerances, and a built-in chipbreaker.

These inserts are commonly used for various turning operations in metalworking.

The nose radius has crucial effects on the surface finish, chip breaking, and insert strength.

We offer several different nose radius selections to help to enhance working quality. Generally speaking, Small nose radius will lead to small cutting depth, reduce vibration and enhance chip breaking.

On the other side, the large nose radius will be suitable for high feed rate, large depths of cut, and strong edge stability.

The relationship between nose radius and depth of cut affects vibration tendencies.

DCMT insert tool holder

DCGT insert tool holder

DCMT insert Meaning

Understanding the DCMT Insert Code

  • 디: Shape: Rhombic (diamond) with a 55-degree included angle.
  • 기음: Clearance Angle: 7 degrees (positive)
  • 중: 공차 : 중간 공차는 표준이지만 다른 정밀 공차를 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 티: 칩 브레이커 스타일 & 구멍 구성. 이 문자는 특정 Chipbreaker 형상과 삽입물에 구멍이 있는지 여부를 지정합니다. Chipbreaker 변형은 많고 제조업체별로 다릅니다.
  • 숫자 숫자 :
    • 처음 두 자리 : 밀리미터로 된 원형 (IC) 직경. 대략적인 인치 등가를 얻으려면이 숫자를 25.4로 나눕니다.
    • 다음 두 자리 : 밀리미터의 두께. 인치로 전환하려면 25.4로 나눕니다.
    • 마지막 두 자리 : Nose radius in millimeters. To convert to inches, divide by 25.4.

DCMT Insert Dimensions (ISO and ANSI)

DCMT Insert Sizes
DCMT Designation내지 된 원 (IC)두께Common Corner Radii
DCMT 21.51 (DCMT 0702)0.25" (1/4")0.094" (3/32")0.0156" (1/64")
DCMT 0702047.94mm (0.313")2.38mm (0.094")0.4mm (0.016")
DCMT 32.51 (DCMT 11T3)0.5" (1/2")0.156" (5/32")0.0312" (1/32"), 0.0469" (3/64"), 0.0625" (1/16")
DCMT 11T30411mm (0.433")3.18mm (0.125")0.4mm (0.016")
DCMT 11T30811mm (0.433")3.18mm (0.125")0.8mm (0.031")

Example: DCMT 11T308

  • Rhombic (diamond) shape with a 55-degree included angle
  • 7-degree positive clearance angle
  • 중간 공차
  • 제조업체 별 칩 브레이커 및 홀 구성
  • 11mm inscribed circle diameter (approx. 0.43″ 인치)
  • 두께 3.18mm (약 0.125″ 인치)
  • 0.8mm nose radius (approx. 0.031″ 인치)

The Science Behind Carbide Inserts: How They're Made and Why They're So Strong

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