
dcmt insert


DCMT insert angle: 7° Positive rake insert with a single-sided Chipbreaker;


Recommended for steel, stainless steel, and cast iron;

Breaker Application: Semi-finishing machining;

Matching DCMT insert holder: SDQCR/L, SDUCR/L;

Material : Tungsten carbide;

Grade: Both PVD and CVD;

Application industry: Die & mould, medical devices, manufacturing, and others;

DCMT insert specification

DCMT insert meaning a diamond-shaped (55 degrees), indexable cutting insert with a 7-degree clearance angle, moderate tolerances, and a built-in chipbreaker.

These inserts are commonly used for various turning operations in metalworking.

The nose radius has crucial effects on the surface finish, chip breaking, and insert strength.

We offer several different nose radius selections to help to enhance working quality. Generally speaking, Small nose radius will lead to small cutting depth, reduce vibration and enhance chip breaking.

On the other side, the large nose radius will be suitable for high feed rate, large depths of cut, and strong edge stability.

The relationship between nose radius and depth of cut affects vibration tendencies.

DCMT insert tool holder


DCMT insert Meaning

Understanding the DCMT Insert Code

  • D: 形状:ひし形(ひし形)、夾角55度。
  • 子: Clearance Angle: 7 degrees (positive)
  • M: Tolerance: Medium tolerance is standard, though other precision tolerances might be available.
  • T: ブレーカ形式 & 穴の構成。この文字は、特定のブレーカ形状と、インサートに穴があるかどうかを指定します。ブレーカのバリエーションは数多くあり、メーカーごとに異なります。
  • 数字:
    • 最初の 2 桁: 内接円 (IC) の直径 (ミリメートル単位)。おおよそのインチ相当値を取得するには、この数値を 25.4 で割ります。
    • 次の 2 桁: 厚さ(ミリメートル)。インチに変換するには、25.4 で割ります。
    • 下 2 桁: ノーズ半径(ミリメートル単位)。インチに変換するには、25.4 で割ります。

DCMT Insert Dimensions (ISO and ANSI)

DCMT Insert Sizes
DCMT Designation内接円 (IC)厚さCommon Corner Radii
DCMT 21.51 (DCMT 0702)0.25" (1/4")0.094" (3/32")0.0156" (1/64")
DCMT 0702047.94mm (0.313")2.38mm (0.094")0.4mm (0.016")
DCMT 32.51 (DCMT 11T3)0.5" (1/2")0.156" (5/32")0.0312" (1/32"), 0.0469" (3/64"), 0.0625" (1/16")
DCMT 11T30411mm (0.433")3.18mm (0.125")0.4mm (0.016")
DCMT 11T30811mm (0.433")3.18mm (0.125")0.8mm (0.031")

Example: DCMT 11T308

  • Rhombic (diamond) shape with a 55-degree included angle
  • 7-degree positive clearance angle
  • Medium tolerance
  • Manufacturer-specific chipbreaker and hole configuration
  • 内接円直径11mm(約0.43″ in inches)
  • 厚さ3.18mm(約0.125mm)″ in inches)
  • 0ノーズ半径 0.8mm (約 0.031″ in inches)

The Science Behind Carbide Inserts: How They're Made and Why They're So Strong



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