Introduction to Grooving Inserts
Grooving inserts are essential cutting tools used in metalworking operations, particularly in turning and milling processes. These precision-engineered components are designed to create grooves, slots, and other intricate features on workpieces. As the demand for high-quality machined parts continues to grow across various industries, the role of grooving inserts manufacturers becomes increasingly crucial in providing innovative and efficient tooling solutions.
The Importance of Grooving Inserts Manufacturers
Grooving inserts manufacturers play a vital role in the metalworking industry by developing and producing cutting-edge tooling solutions. These companies invest heavily in research and development to create inserts that offer superior performance, longer tool life, and improved productivity. By partnering with a reputable grooving inserts manufacturer, businesses can enhance their machining capabilities and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

1. Sandvik Coromant
最高质量的金属切削刀具和服务,搭配最新的加工技术。当然,这是必不可少的要素,但成功的制造并不能仅靠设备来实现。它是在正确的时间认识个人需求并在价值链中实现正确的平衡。它让有能力的人聚集在一起,不加区别地分享知识。它利用 80 多年的专业知识,同时构建可持续的未来。我们相信对制造采取整体方法,这种方法可以带来长期的健康习惯——我们相信制造健康。

2. Kennametal
肯纳金属汇集了材料科学、技术专业知识、创新和卓越的客户服务,帮助世界飞行、驱动、提供动力和建造。我们的工具、材料和耐磨解决方案使客户能够运行更长的时间、更快地切割并以更高的精度进行加工。肯纳金属以绩效为宗旨,每天约有 8,700 名员工帮助近 100 个国家的客户解决问题并提高竞争力。
如果客户有梦想,我们可以帮助他们实现…我们已经这样做了超过 85 年。我们的客户相信我们能够解决难题并完成艰巨的工作,他们依靠肯纳金属的创新来实现这一目标。在航空航天、通用工程和运输、土方工程和能源等各个行业中,我们始终预测未来的发展,以便为他们提供无与伦比的优势。我们不只是生产产品;我们提供解决方案、代理商和客户来推动行业进步。
3. Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal
公司名称 | 住友电工硬质合金株式会社 |
成立于 | 2003 年 4 月 1 日 |
总公司 | 664-0016 兵库县伊丹市小屋北 1-1-1(住友电气工业株式会社伊丹工厂内) |
总统 | 泽园芳光 |
董事 | 久野悟、津田敬一、江波照宏、佐桥敏之、木村和义、冈森喜光 |
公司审计师 | 井关贵彦 |
商业 | 硬质合金、CBN和烧结金刚石切削工具(商标:IGETALLOY、SUMIBORON等)以及激光加工机用激光光学器件的开发和制造 |
股本 | 119亿日元(住友电气工业株式会社独资子公司) |
雇员 | 第578章 |

4. Mitsubishi Materials
三菱综合材料株式会社 是一家全球工业巨头,其历史可追溯至 1871 年。该公司拥有数千名员工,是三菱集团的基石。其业务涵盖多个行业,包括金属、材料、水泥和金属加工解决方案。三菱综合材料以其在有色金属、先进材料和切削工具生产方面的专业知识而闻名。该公司高度重视创新和可持续发展,在塑造全球行业方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
5. Iscar
万邦集团 – 世界领先的金属去除技术生产商
ISCAR 是 15 家公司中规模最大的IMC(国际金属加工公司集团)。他们共同提供动态全面的精密硬质合金金属加工刀具系列。这些公司生产各种硬质合金刀片、硬质合金立铣刀和切削刀具,涵盖大多数金属切削应用。 IMC 还为世界各地的主要行业提供工程和制造解决方案。许多专为客户需求而设计的创新产品使IMC成为汽车、航空航天、模具等主要制造行业的世界领先者 & 模具生产。
ISCAR 推出了无数新产品,每一款都旨在实现 3P:更高的生产力、盈利能力和性能。
更通用的多功能工具来支持 “完整加工” CNC 车铣中心的趋势。

我们是中国领先的硬质合金刀片制造商和供应商。 专业从事硬质合金车削刀片、硬质合金铣削刀片、CBN刀片、陶瓷刀片的开发和制造,并接受定制硬质合金刀片。我们是蜗轮刀片、聚乙烯 V 型切槽刀片、燕尾面切槽刀片、成形切削刀具、螺纹旋风刀片、粉末冶金加工 CBN 刀片和其他利基领域领域的全球领导者。广泛应用于汽车制造业、模具制造业、国防工业、钢铁制造业等特殊领域。

7. Tungaloy
8. Seco Tools
我们将尖端的精密工具与持久的个人合作伙伴关系相结合,是一家真正以人为本的公司,帮助我们的合作伙伴发现制造业的未来。我们为能够为创客制造、为发明家发明并与先驱者合作而感到自豪。以我们对创新的执着推动未来。简而言之 – 如果存在适合该工作的工具,我们将提供它。如果没有,我们将创建它。
9. Walter Titex
瓦尔特是世界领先的金属加工公司之一。作为专业加工解决方案的提供商,瓦尔特为铣削、车削、钻孔和螺纹加工应用提供各种精密刀具。瓦尔特与客户合作,开发用于航空和航天工业以及汽车、能源和通用工程的全加工部件的定制解决方案。该公司在加工过程的每个阶段都展示了其工程能力。作为能够创建数字化流程解决方案以实现最佳效率的创新合作伙伴,瓦尔特正在整个机械加工行业引领工业 4.0。 Walter AG 在全球拥有约 3,800 名员工,并拥有众多子公司和销售合作伙伴,为 80 多个不同国家的客户提供服务。

10. OSG
OSG Asia Pte Ltd(OSG Asia)成立于1993年,一直是世界领先切削刀具制造商的成员 – 欧世集团。
OSG Asia 的成立是为了满足包括亚太地区在内的东南亚地区机械加工行业快速增长的需求。
此后,OSG Asia不断拓宽我们的网络,在重点地区设立海外子公司和分支机构,以提供更快、更好的服务。

11. Korloy
Korloy is a leading global manufacturer of cutting tools, specializing in cemented carbide inserts, tool holders, and other precision cutting tools. Based in South Korea, Korloy is renowned for its high-quality products and innovative solutions for various metalworking applications.
Key points about Korloy:
Global reach: Has a strong presence in the global market with subsidiaries and distributors worldwide
Specializes in: Cemented carbide inserts, tool holders, and other precision cutting tools
Known for: High-quality products, innovative solutions, and a wide range of applications

12. Taegutec
网站 South Korea Company Profile(制造商 )
大邱科技 was a prominent global manufacturer of cutting tools, renowned for its high-quality products and innovative solutions in the metalworking industry. The company specialized in cemented carbide inserts, tool holders, and other precision cutting tools, similar to Korloy.
Key points about TaeguTec:
- Specialized in: Cemented carbide inserts, tool holders, and other precision cutting tools
- Known for: High-quality products, innovative solutions, and a wide range of applications
- Acquired by: Sandvik Coromant in 2008
- Global reach: Had a strong presence in the global market before the acquisition
Please note that TaeguTec is no longer an independent company. It was acquired by Sandvik Coromant in 2008, and its operations have since been integrated into the Sandvik Coromant brand.
13. Kyocera
京都 is a global technology company known for its diverse range of products and solutions. While it started as a ceramics manufacturer, Kyocera has expanded into various industries, including electronics, semiconductors, solar power, and more.
Key points about Kyocera:
- Diverse product range: Ceramics, electronics, semiconductors, solar power, and more
- Known for: High-quality products, durability, and technological innovation
- Founded in: 日本
- Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in multiple industries
Kyocera’s involvement in the cutting tool industry:
Although Kyocera is a diversified company, it also has a significant presence in the manufacturing of cutting tools. Kyocera’s cutting tools are known for their exceptional hardness, wear resistance, and precision. They are widely used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics.
14. Horn
Horn is a globally recognized manufacturer of precision cutting tools, renowned for their high quality and innovative cutting solutions. The company primarily produces a wide range of cutting tools, including milling cutters, drills, reamers, and turning tools, which find extensive applications in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and mold manufacturing.
Key features and advantages of Horn tools:
- High precision: Horn tools are known for their exceptional accuracy and consistency, meeting the demands of modern manufacturing for precise machining.
- High efficiency: The optimized design of Horn tools enhances machining efficiency and reduces production costs.
- Long tool life: Horn tools employ premium materials and advanced coating technologies, resulting in exceptional wear resistance and extended tool life.
- Wide range of applications: Horn offers a comprehensive product line to cater to the needs of various materials and machining conditions.
- Customized solutions: Horn can provide tailored cutting tool solutions based on specific customer requirements.
Horn’s position in the industry:
Horn is a leading player in the global cutting tool industry, with its products widely recognized worldwide. The company has manufacturing facilities and sales networks in countries like Germany, the United States, and China, providing high-quality cutting tools and services to customers globally.

15. Ceratizit
Ceratizit is a global leader in advanced hard material solutions. They specialize in producing a wide range of cutting tools, wear parts, and functional components made from tungsten carbide and other advanced materials. Ceratizit is known for its innovative solutions, high-quality products, and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Key points about Ceratizit:
Part of Plansee Group: Ceratizit is a member of the Plansee Group, a global leader in advanced materials technology.
Specializes in: Tungsten carbide-based products, cutting tools, wear parts, and functional components
Known for: Innovative solutions, high-quality products, and commitment to customer satisfaction
Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in the metalworking industry
16. Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Ingersoll Cutting Tools is a globally recognized leader in the metal cutting industry, particularly renowned for its expertise in heavy-duty machining. The company has a long history of innovation and has been a pioneer in developing advanced cutting tools and machining processes.
Key points about Ingersoll Cutting Tools:
- Specializes in: Heavy-duty machining, indexable inserts, milling cutters, and tooling systems
- Known for: Innovation, high-performance cutting tools, and expertise in difficult-to-machine materials
- Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in the automotive, aerospace, and energy industries
- Part of IMC Group: Ingersoll is part of the IMC Group, a global leader in metal cutting solutions.
Ingersoll’s products and applications:
Ingersoll offers a wide range of cutting tools and tooling systems designed for demanding machining applications. Their products include:
Tooling systems: For optimal tool performance and machine compatibility
Indexable inserts: For various machining operations, including turning, milling, and drilling
Milling cutters: For roughing and finishing operations on a variety of materials

17. Dormer Pramet
Dormer Pramet
Dormer Pramet is a global cutting tools manufacturer, providing a comprehensive range of high-quality tooling solutions for various industries. The company is renowned for its focus on precision, performance, and reliability.
Key points about Dormer Pramet:
- Comprehensive product range: Offers a wide variety of cutting tools, including drills, taps, reamers, milling cutters, and turning tools.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide, serving customers in diverse industries such as automotive, aerospace, and general engineering.
- Focus on quality and performance: Committed to delivering high-quality tooling solutions that meet the demanding needs of modern manufacturing.
- Technical expertise: Provides comprehensive technical support and application engineering services to customers.
Dormer Pramet’s products and applications:
Dormer Pramet’s products are designed for a variety of materials and machining operations, including:
Turning: Turning tools for creating external and internal threads, as well as facing and grooving operations.
Drilling: A wide range of drills for various materials and hole sizes.
Tapping: Taps for creating internal threads in a variety of materials.
Reaming: Reamers for achieving precise hole sizes.
Milling: Milling cutters for various machining operations, including face milling, end milling, and slot milling.

18. Mapal
MAPAL is a globally recognized leader in the precision tooling industry. They specialize in providing innovative and customized tooling solutions for a wide range of machining applications. MAPAL is known for its high-quality products, comprehensive product range, and exceptional customer service.
Key points about MAPAL:
- Specializes in: Precision tooling for various machining applications
- Known for: Innovative solutions, high-quality products, and exceptional customer service
- Comprehensive product range: Offers a wide variety of tooling solutions, including drilling, milling, turning, and reaming tools.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in the automotive, aerospace, and energy industries.
- Focus on customization: Provides tailored tooling solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
MAPAL’s products and applications:
MAPAL offers a comprehensive range of tooling solutions for various machining operations, including:
Reaming: Precision reamers for achieving tight tolerances and smooth surface finishes.
Drilling: High-precision drills for various materials and hole sizes.
Milling: A wide range of milling cutters for various machining operations, including face milling, end milling, and slot milling.
Turning: Turning tools for efficient material removal and surface finishing.

19. YG-1
YG-1 is a global leader in the cutting tool industry, renowned for its high-quality products and innovative solutions. Founded in 1981, YG-1 has grown to become one of the world’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of milling cutters, and is also the largest cutting tool manufacturer in South Korea.
Key points about YG-1:
- Specializes in: Milling cutters, drilling tools, and other precision cutting tools
- Known for: High-quality products, innovative solutions, and competitive pricing
- Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in the metalworking industry
- Focus on technology: Continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of cutting tool technology
YG-1’s products and applications:
YG-1 offers a wide range of cutting tools designed for various materials and machining operations, including:
Turning: Turning tools for efficient material removal and surface finishing.
Milling: A comprehensive range of milling cutters for various materials and applications.
Drilling: High-performance drills for precise hole making.

20. Widia
idia is a renowned global leader in the production of cemented carbide cutting tools. With a rich history dating back to the early 20th century, Widia has played a pivotal role in shaping the metalworking industry.
Key points about Widia:
- Specializes in: Cemented carbide cutting tools, including inserts, end mills, and drills.
- Known for: High-quality products, innovative solutions, and a wide range of applications.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide with a strong presence in the automotive, aerospace, and general engineering industries.
- Part of Kennametal: Widia is now part of Kennametal Inc., a global industrial technology leader.
Widia’s products and applications:
Widia offers a comprehensive range of cemented carbide cutting tools designed for various materials and machining operations, including:
Drilling: Precision drills for creating accurate holes in a variety of materials.
Turning: A wide range of inserts for turning operations on various materials.
Milling: High-performance end mills for efficient material removal and surface finishing.
21. Palbit
Palbit is a global leader in the manufacturing of high-quality cutting tools, wear parts, and rock tools. Founded over a century ago, Palbit has a rich history of providing innovative and reliable solutions for various industries.
Key points about Palbit:
- Comprehensive product range: Offers a wide variety of tooling solutions, including cutting tools for turning, milling, drilling, and more, as well as wear parts and rock drilling tools.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide, serving customers in diverse industries such as automotive, aerospace, and mining.
- Focus on quality and performance: Committed to delivering high-quality tooling solutions that meet the demanding needs of modern manufacturing.
- Technical expertise: Provides comprehensive technical support and application engineering services to customers.
- Long history: With over 100 years of experience, Palbit has a deep understanding of the metalworking industry and its evolving needs.
Palbit’s products and applications:
Palbit’s products are designed for a wide range of materials and machining operations, including:
Rock drilling tools: For mining and construction applications.
Cutting tools: For turning, milling, drilling, and more.
Wear parts: For industries that require highly durable and wear-resistant components.

22. Dijet Industrial
Dijet Industrial
DIJET introduced cemented carbide to industries and has worked for innovation of carbide tools and the evolution of machining with our own technology since establishment in 1938. DIJET brought innovative technologies into the worldwide market, like the first practical use for CERMET (which is quite common now a day) based on powder metallurgy cultivated on manufacturing of carbide, development of ball nose end mills and drills with HOSOI geometry on cutting edge for cutting tools, and end mills with helical cutting edges. Even now, DIJET continues to develop its own technology like mono-block diamond products, gear-forming dies with carbide, and carbide material with saving rare metals, marketing domestically, and all over the world.
With our guaranty of high-quality products, we earn the trust of customers because we develop carbide material, finish products and additionally consistency manufacturing from mixing of raw material.
It is impossible to produce present-day products without machining like cutting or forming, and even the latest frontiers would not progress without machining. In this time of worldwide competition, DIJET challenges new fields and contributes to the world with “creation” and “original technology development” as our philosophy.
Founded | October 1938 |
Established | December 1950 |
总统 | Ayumu Ikezumi |
总公司 | 2-1-18, Kami-Higashi, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0002, Japan |
Sales | 9,043 Million Yen (March 2014, consolidated) |
Capital | 3,099 Million Yen (March 2012) |
Business outline | Manufacturing and sales of cemented carbide tools |
Stock listed | Tokyo, Osaka (the First Section) |
雇员 | 527 (March 2017, consolidated) |
Banks of account | Mizuho Bank MUFG Bank Resona Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation |

23. Guhring
Guhring Company Timeline
More than a century of expertise in cutting tool manufacturing, combined with powerful R&D resources, place Guhring at the forefront of technical innovations in cutting tools.
Globally there are 26 production plants and 36 service centers, along with hundreds of knowledgeable technical support experts, providing Guhring products and services to the industry. Click here for an overview of these locations.
For over 35 years Guhring Inc. has brought the innovations of industry-leading Guhring technology, products and technical support to the United States. Our Brookfield, WI manufacturing plant and corporate headquarters continue to grow in order to meet our customers’ needs. Additional resources including our warehouse in Huntington Beach, CA and manufacturing facility in MI help us to provide quicker response times. Guhring USA also operates 3 tool reconditioning service centers that restore used cutting tools to their original condition. The reconditioning centers are in Brookfield, WI, New Hudson, MI, and Huntington Beach, CA.
With over 35,000 stocked standard items, Guhring outshines all others in breadth of standard products offered. Additionally, our engineers can take blueprint part concepts and design specialized tools in high speed steel, cobalt, carbide and even PCD which combine multiple manufacturing operations and lower production costs.

24. Carmex Precision Tools
Carmex Precision Tools
Carmex Precision Tools Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of high quality cutting tools. The company was founded in 1988 in Maalot, located in the beautiful North West region of Israel.
Product Lines
Carmex specializes in the production of threading tools for turning and milling. Our product lines include:
- Thread Turning inserts and tool holders
- Mill-Thread Solid Carbide
- Mill-Thread inserts and tool holders
- Spiral Mill-Thread
- Slim MT
- Grooving Tools
- Tiny Tools
- Swiss Tools
- CMT Vertical Milling
- 螺纹旋风铣
- End Mills
- Mini Chamfer
- Taps
- Diamond Tools
In addition, we have a Dental division producing Dental Drills for the Dental implants industry.
The company’s different product lines are recognized worldwide for their advanced technology, reliable full range lines that offer accurate geometry, excellent cutting performance and extended tool life.
Our products and service we provide live up to the highest standards and outperform them. Carmex also produces special tools in accordance with customer’s requirements.
25. NTK Cutting Tools
NTK Cutting Tools
NTK Cutting Tools is a globally recognized leader in the manufacturing of high-performance cutting tools. Renowned for their innovative solutions and commitment to quality, NTK specializes in providing cutting-edge tools for various machining applications.
Key points about NTK Cutting Tools:
- Specializes in: High-performance cutting tools for various machining applications, such as CNC turning, milling, and drilling.
- Known for: Innovative solutions, high-quality products, and a wide range of applications.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide, serving customers in diverse industries such as automotive, aerospace, and general engineering.
- Focus on technology: Continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of cutting tool technology.
- Vibration cutting: NTK is particularly well-known for its innovative vibration cutting tools, which offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency and precision.
NTK Cutting Tools’ products and applications:
NTK offers a comprehensive range of cutting tools designed for various materials and machining operations, including:
Roll processing: Tools for machining rolls used in various industries.
CNC automatic lathe tools: For high-precision machining of complex parts.
Heat-resistant alloy processing: Tools specifically designed for challenging materials.
Cast iron/ductile iron processing: Tools optimized for machining cast iron and ductile iron.
High-hardness material processing: Tools for machining materials with high hardness.
Drilling and milling: A wide range of drills and milling cutters for various applications.

26. Lach Diamond
Lach Diamond
LACH DIAMOND INC. is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of diamond and CBN tools for the machining industry. The US company is a family business that was founded by Horst Lach in 1982.
The production plant and office is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Together with LACH DIAMANT in Germany founded in 1922, the company supplies customers all over the world with diamond and CBN tools “made in USA” and/or “made in Germany”, respectively.
LACH’s technical development engineers work passionately on refining our standard tools as well as on developing innovative solutions for the specific applications of our customers. The company can look back with pride on several highly innovative and successful patents which have revolutionized the industry.
More information on the history of the almost 100 year old German sister company LACH DIAMANT in Germany, you may findhere。
Why Diamond or CBN?
Diamond and CBN are used whenever carbide tools reach their performance limits. The ultrahard cutting materials offer key advantages to the material carbide:
- tool life
- precision
- high-quality outcome
The tool lives of diamond and CBN tools are sufficient to process several 100.000 workpieces. Diamond as the hardest and cubic boron nitride (CBN) as the second hardest material can process even brittle-hard and extremely wear-resistant materials like e.g. high-alloy tool steels, ceramics, GRP, CFRP with high precision.

27. Vargus
VARGUS Ltd. is a world-leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of high-quality precision threading, grooving, turning and hand deburring tools for the metalworking and plastics industries.
Established in 1960 in Nahariya, Israel, VARGUS is the tooling division of the NEUMO Ehrenberg Group, one of Europe’s largest privately owned manufacturers and distributors of stainless steel products and metal cutting tools.
Since the company’s inception, VARGUS engineers have pioneered breakthrough tooling solutions such as the first triangular laydown threading insert; the first indexable thread milling system; and the original hand-deburring system.
This tradition of innovation continues with industry-leading solutions from the company’s three main product lines – VARDEX advanced threading solutions, GROOVEX innovative grooving and turning solutions, and SHAVIV leading hand-deburring solutions.
Vargus Ltd. has been at the forefront of the tooling industry for 60 years with its internationally recognized products. Today VARDEX boasts the undisputed market leading threading program, and has an impressive line of micromachining tools. Vargus also recently launched GROOVEX, an innovative line of tools for grooving turning, groove milling and micro machining applications for industrial use. The SHAVIV line of hand-deburring tools rounds out the company’s offerings with professional solutions for finishing metal and plastic components.
Products are developed and manufactured in the company’s advanced ISO 9001:2015 certified facilities and marketed and supported worldwide through more than 100 representatives and independent agencies.

28. Micro 100
Micro 100
Since 1960, Micro 100 has utilized the industry’s latest CNC grinding technology to supply machinists with the highest quality carbide milling and turning cutting tools available to them. Our tools are exclusively ground in the USA, and are engineered to excel at vastly increased speed and feed rates while providing exceptional results in a wide array of difficult-to-machine materials. This means that you’re accomplishing higher quality, more accurate parts at an accelerated rate. Micro 100 is a proud Harvey Performance Company brand, and is located in Meridian, ID.
Micro 100 is a well-respected global leader in the manufacturing of precision cutting tools. Founded in 1960, the company has a long history of providing high-quality tooling solutions for various machining applications.
Key points about Micro 100:
- Specializes in: Precision cutting tools, including milling cutters, drills, reamers, and more.
- Known for: High-quality products, innovative solutions, and exceptional customer service.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide, serving customers in diverse industries such as aerospace, medical, and automotive.
- Focus on technology: Continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of cutting tool technology.
- Micro-Quik system: Famous for its Micro-Quik tool changing system, which significantly reduces setup times and improves efficiency.
Micro 100’s products and applications:
Micro 100 offers a comprehensive range of precision cutting tools designed for various materials and machining operations, including:
- Milling: A wide variety of end mills, face mills, and special-purpose milling cutters.
- Drilling: High-precision drills for various hole sizes and materials.
- Reaming: Precision reamers for achieving tight tolerances and smooth surface finishes.
- Turning: Turning tools for efficient material removal and surface finishing.
- Thread milling: Thread milling tools for creating high-quality threads.

29. Schwanog
In the first decades after its foundation in 1946, Schwanog gained an excellent reputation on the market as a manufacturer of high-quality carbide tools and measuring instruments as well as in mechanical engineering. In 1990, the decision was made to focus on the production of tool changing systems. The considerable success affirmed this strategically courageous and important decision. Our self-developed insert tools and systems are always based on a Schwanog holder and a Schwanog tool blank into which part-specific contours can be individually ground and eroded. The special feature here: we can produce batch sizes of 3 pieces. And we do this in the shortest possible time with the highest quality and cost efficiency. Within just a few years, this innovative capability has made us one of the world’s leading manufacturers of form tools in this market segment, with production locations worldwide. Schwanog has more than 100 qualified specialists and continuously invests in production and process optimization. With the wealth of experience gained from manufacturing well over 100,000 tools according to customer drawings, we are always in a position to supply individually manufactured insert tools quickly and flexibly in the shortest possible time.
SCHWANOG is a globally recognized leader in the manufacturing of high-precision forming tools. Renowned for their innovative solutions and commitment to quality, SCHWANOG specializes in providing cutting-edge tools for various machining applications.
Key points about SCHWANOG:
- Specializes in: High-precision forming tools, particularly for external profile turning.
- Known for: Innovative solutions, high-quality products, and a wide range of applications.
- Global reach: Operates worldwide, serving customers in diverse industries such as automotive, aerospace, and medical.
- Focus on technology: Continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of forming tool technology.
- Modular tooling systems: Offers a wide range of modular tooling systems for flexible and efficient machining.
SCHWANOG’s products and applications:
SCHWANOG offers a comprehensive range of precision forming tools designed for various materials and machining operations, including:
- External profile turning: A wide variety of tools for creating complex profiles on external surfaces.
- Shaving: Tools for achieving extremely precise dimensional tolerances.
- Modular tooling systems: A flexible and efficient system for various machining applications.
- Custom tooling solutions: Tailored solutions to meet specific customer requirements.

Kaiser Tool Company, Inc. is a world leader in the manufacturing of precision cutting tools for grooving, threading and boring. Our customers know and depend on us for our:
Quality Products,
Fast Delivery,
Superior Customer Service.
Kaiser Tool Company was founded in 1964 with the purpose of supplying small lathe cutting tools that were not available as standard, in-stock items. Today, our line of THINBIT® cutting tools includes more than 100,000 in-stock tools for grooving, threading, parting, boring and turning as well as custom tools.
In 1987 we started Laser Images® to provide our customers with laser engravings that are clean, consistent and perfect every time. Instruments, dials, wheels, scales, cutting tools and more, we can engrave virtually anything of any shape and size.
We invite you to browse our website and find out what Kaiser Tool Company can do for you and your business.